Create Mappacks

Guide to creating your own map packs for your GDPS using phpMyAdmin explained in detail

mappacks table structure



Add a unique number to the map pack

(optional, auto-generated)


name of the map pack that will be displayed in the game [1]

(not optional)


Map pack level IDs separated by commas, example: 15908,981172,39223

You need at least 3 level IDs


Number of stars that the player will get when completing the map pack [2]

Minimum: 2 star, Maximum: 10 stars


Number of star coins that the player will get when completing the map pack [3]

Either 1 or 2. No more, no less.


Map pack difficulty number that will be displayed in the game [4]

Difficulty number list: 0 = Auto, 1 = Easy, 2 = Normal, 3 = Normal, 4 = Harder, 5 = Insane, 6 = Hard Demon, 7 = Easy demon, 8 = Medium demon, 9 = Insane Demon, 10 = Extreme Demon


Name color of the map pack name that will be displayed in the game [1]

RGB Format (0-255) Example: `0,255,0` (0% Red, 100% Green, 0% Blue)


Bar color of the map pack name that will be displayed in the game [5]

RGB Format like above

Creating a map pack

Learn to access phpMyAdmin: 🔐 Accessing to phpMyAdmin

Learn phpMyAdmin structure: 🔐 Site Structure

  1. Access to your phpMyAdmin database and Look for "mappacks".

  2. Open the insert tab.

  3. Fill out all fields correctly.

  4. Click on "Go".

  5. If nothing has gone wrong, you can restart the game to see the map pack being added to the game.


  • Difficulty numbers 6 through 10 do not exist before GD 2.1 version.

Last updated