Give Permissions
This guide will cover how to give users moderator or custom permissions using pfpmyadmin
Open phpMyAdmin and log in
Select the database starting with "gdps_"
Look for "roles"
Open the Insert Tab
Fill in these things
roleID: The ID of the role
priority: the priority the role has over other roles
roleName: the name of the role (Note: it will not display im game)
setup your pernissions, the table below explains them (NOTE: Set 1 to grant the permission and 0 to revoke them
Permission | Description |
CommandRate | Allows you to use the !rate command |
CommandFeature | Allows you to use the !feature command |
CommandEpic | Allows you to use the !epic command |
Commandunepic | Allows you to use the !unepic command |
CommandVerifycoins | Allows you to use the !verifycoins command |
CommandDaily | Allows you to use the !daily command |
CommandWeekly | Allows you to use the !weekly command |
CommandDelete | Allows you to use the !delete command which deletes levels |
CommandSetacc | Allows you to use the !setacc command which lets you set the account who made the level |
CommandRenameOwn | Allows you to use the !rename command on thier own levels |
CommandRenameAll | Allows you to use the !rename command on all levels |
CommandPassOwn | Allows you to use the !pass command which lets you change passwords on your own levels only |
CommandPassAll | Allows you to use the !pass command on all levels |
Commanddescriptionown | Allows you to use the !description command on your own levels |
Commanddescriptionall | Allows you to use the !description command on all levels |
CommandPublicOwn | Allows you to use the !public command on your own levels |
CommandPublicAll | Allows you to use the !public command on all levels |
CommandUnlistOwn | Allows you to use the !unlist command on your own levels |
CommandUnlistAll | Allows you to use the !unlist command on all levels |
CommandShareCpOwn | Allows you to use the !sharecp command on your own levels |
CommandShareCPAll | Allows you to use the !sharecp command on all levels |
CommandSongOwn | Allows you to use the !song command on your own levels |
CommandSongAll | Allows you to use the !song command on all levels |
actoonRateDemon | Allows you to rate the difficulties of demons (User) |
actionRateStars | Allows you to rate the stars of levels (User) |
actionratedifficulty | Allows you to rate the difficulty of levels |
actionSuggestStars | Allows you to use the moderator button to suggest, not rate stars |
actionRequestMod | allows you to use the "Req" button in settings |
actionDeleteComments | Allows you to delete comments from levels |
toolleaderboardsBan | Allows you to ban people from the leaderboards |
toolpackcreate | Allows you to make Map Packs using tools |
toolsModActions | allows you to see mod actions, like leaderboard bans |
toolsSuggestList | Allows you to see suggested levels from mods |
CommentColor | lets you change comment colors, Use HEX code colors |
modBadge | 1 = Mod, 2 = Elder Mod |
When done, press "Go"
Go to "role assign"
Click Insert
Fill out the information
AssignID: Optioanl, just put any number
RoleID: the ID of the role you want to assign
AccountID: The ID of the account receiving the role
Press "Go"
Congratulations, You've made permission, Enter the gdps and press "Req" to get them in game!
Last updated