Give Permissions

This guide will cover how to give users moderator or custom permissions using pfpmyadmin

  1. Open phpMyAdmin and log in

  2. Select the database starting with "gdps_"

  3. Look for "roles"

  4. Open the Insert Tab

  5. Fill in these things

  • roleID: The ID of the role

  • priority: the priority the role has over other roles

  • roleName: the name of the role (Note: it will not display im game)

  1. setup your pernissions, the table below explains them (NOTE: Set 1 to grant the permission and 0 to revoke them


  1. When done, press "Go"

  2. Go to "role assign"

  3. Click Insert

  4. Fill out the information

  • AssignID: Optioanl, just put any number

  • RoleID: the ID of the role you want to assign

  • AccountID: The ID of the account receiving the role

  1. Press "Go"

  2. Congratulations, You've made permission, Enter the gdps and press "Req" to get them in game!

Last updated